Seamless, Static Multi-Texturing of 3D Meshes (bibtex)
by R. Pagés, D. Berjón, F. Morán, N. García
In the context of 3D reconstruction, we present a static multi-texturing system yielding a seamless texture atlas calculated by combining the colour information from several photos from the same subject covering most of its surface. These pictures can be provided by shooting just one camera several times when reconstructing a static object, or a set of synchronized cameras, when dealing with a human or any other moving object. We suppress the colour seams due to image misalignments and irregular lighting conditions that multi-texturing approaches typically suffer from, while minimizing the blurring effect introduced by colour blending techniques. Our system is robust enough to compensate for the almost inevitable inaccuracies of 3D meshes obtained with visual hull-based techniques: errors in silhouette segmentation, inherently bad handling of concavities, etc.
R. Pagés, D. Berjón, F. Morán, N. García, "Seamless, Static Multi-Texturing of 3D Meshes", In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 228-238, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
@article {2015-02-CGF:CGF12508,
author = {Pag{\'e}s, R. and Berj\'{o}n, D. and Mor\'{a}n, F. and Garc\'{\i}a, N.},
title = {Seamless, Static Multi-Texturing of 3D Meshes},
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
issn = {1467-8659},
doi = {10.1111/cgf.12508},
month = feb,
pages = {228--238},
keywords = {texture mapping, texture synthesis
ACM CCS: I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—Colour, shading, shadowing and texture},
year = {2015},
abstract = {In the context of 3D reconstruction, we present a static multi-texturing system yielding a seamless texture atlas calculated by combining the colour information from several photos from the same subject covering most of its surface. These pictures can be provided by shooting just one camera several times when reconstructing a static object, or a set of synchronized cameras, when dealing with a human or any other moving object. We suppress the colour seams due to image misalignments and irregular lighting conditions that multi-texturing approaches typically suffer from, while minimizing the blurring effect introduced by colour blending techniques. Our system is robust enough to compensate for the almost inevitable inaccuracies of 3D meshes obtained with visual hull-based techniques: errors in silhouette segmentation, inherently bad handling of concavities, etc.},